"Io sò io,
se ti va bene, bene e sennò... sti cazzi!!!"

iuri sonia
Amante della natura e dei piccoli piaceri della vita, Jurij Zoltan Kurgan è animato da un coraggioso idealismo che lo spinge a battersi per un mondo senza ingiustizie.

Nelle sue profondità si cela un misteriso segreto...

giovedì 10 luglio 2008

Kings Village @ Roma

Jurij Zoltan Kurgan Guest Start @ KINGs' Village
The First International Drag King Festival in Italy
10th - 12th July @ Gay Village (Roma)

KINGs Village, a premier event of its kind in Italy, is an International Drag King Festival, organized and promoted by Kings of Rome and Di’ Gay Project, and hosted by the annual summer lgbt happening Gay Village 2008. KINGs Village aims to promote and spread the Drag King subculture, a phenomenon which is finally conquering the Italian gender experimentation scene. Drag King Festival will primarily gather Drag Kings (single performers or groups) from different European countries, who will be given the opportunity to perform and expresstheir artistic aspirations through the contest. In particular, this Festival is addressing the artists from those countries that have recently joined the EU, but in which the life of LGBTQ* individuals is still largely compromised by the cultural, social, and legal rights.

Saturday 12th July 2008

Uomo in frac


L'ultima volta Kings of Rome on stage!

"Gender Obsolescence"
by Kyrahm + Julius Kaiser

con Liliana Urbini, Ferpecto, Misty Knight, Jurij Zoltan Kurgan
photo by Alessandro Penso


Un Gioco da Ragazzi

Make up assistent


Make up assistant @ Diane Torr's


workshop for KINGs Village 2008

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